I have to admit I'm really looking forward to the day that we can officially say we're debt-free. Of course with our student loans it will be a lot longer than I like to think but I'm focusing on the more realistic goal of credit card and car loan debt first.
It's less frightening - I don't want to ignore the student loan debt of course, but the thought of being stuck for 7 or so years on Baby Step 2 scares me. We need to consider starting in on our 3-6 month emergency fund (Baby Step 3) as soon as we get the CC and car paid off, at the same time we're working on our Student Loans.
One of Dave's recommendations for paying of debt is to sell stuff. What though? I mean, honestly, what do you sell? We don't have much we could sell. There is only one piece of furniture that really crosses my mind when I think of what we have. Ugh, it's frustrating because I know we have a ton of junk. There has got to be something, but I can't think of what I might be able to get enough cash to make it worth it. Selling off a ton of our possessions for a couple hundred bucks doesn't really seem worth it to me. A couple thousand? Now we're talking.
What would you sell if you were in our shoes? Do you have any suggestions or experience to share?
In this lesson Dave also quotes the verse in the Bible that tells you what to do if you wind up in debt. It's where the gazelle analogy comes from and isn't one that I was aware of before FPU. Definitely worth memorizing!
Give your eyes no sleep
and your eyelids no slumber;
save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter,
like a bird from the hand of the fowler.
Proverbs 6:4-5