Saturday, May 16, 2009

100 days...

Tomorrow marks my 100 day milestone---only a 100 days left! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by. Somedays it feels like it isn't, but other times I just marvel at how soon we'll be holding our little boy in our arms. He's getting so much stronger too. He still hasn't kicked me in the rib cage yet (maybe I'll luck out and he'll be nice to his mommy) but his movements in the last week have gone from the pokes and jabs to full on rolls. He moves my entire belly when he moves, all the movements are very "fluid"...hard to explain if you can't see it or have never experienced it. It is so interesting though! There is really a little human inside

In other news, I took my Basic Skills test today. One of the three tests you take for your Illinois Teaching Certification. I had to take it before I can be accepted into the School Library Media Program at Dominican. I hope I did okay. Everyone says its easy so I don't want to be one of the only ones who actually fails the thing. I've been worried about it all week. Math is NOT my strong point...I mean I'm B-A-D at math and it is more my fear of it that makes me that way. When I know how to do the math and am comfortable with it I can do okay, but when I haven't touched it in a while (lets say since fall of 2005?) my brain freezes and wont even begin to process it. I literally become the equivalent of a rock trying to do a math problem. My mind doesn't even move, it just stops and says NOPE!! Je ne sais pas! 

Ehh, to top it off I don't even get my scores for another month. I'll get to find out if I passed just in time for my 24th birthday...I'd better pass. Maybe my awesome reading skills will counteract my inability to process math.

Alright, I promised Caleb I'd watch LOST on while he was at Wolverine w/ Jeremiah. Our DVR is apparently incapable of realizing that we want the entire 2hr. special recorded, not just the first "recap" hour that we don't watch anyway. Hope you have a great weekend!

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