We did get a lovely gift card for the Olive Garden from Caleb's parents so we will be going out eventually (maybe tonight if the rain lets up a bit) but for now we're a very boring married couple who don't even go out on their anniversary. Sometimes I wish we didn't enjoy staying home so much! We are major homebodies.
Today was Nathan's two month wellness visit. The pediatrician said he looked wonderful and she didn't ask me about sleeping arrangements this time even though now I can actually say that he's in his crib! You'd be amazed at the difference in exhaustion when it comes to crib vs. co-sleeping though. Until he sleeps through the night I might have to co-sleep still during the week. Just getting out of bed at 3/4am makes me SOOO much more tired than waking up to roll over and nurse him. I'm kinda surprised by it actually.
Wednesday night we accidentally co-slept again (first time in over a week) because Caleb and I both fell asleep before I put him down. I woke up at 2:30 and just decided to stay there since he was going to wake up in an hour or so to eat anyway. Last night though he was back in his crib...AND he slept until 5am. A nice 5 hour stretch! I know better than to get my hopes up though. The first night we got him into his crib he slept 6 hours, the next night 5 and then after than he was back to waking for his 3am feeding.
I'm just thankful it really wasn't that hard to get him into his crib like the doctor said it would be. Sure, back at one month I had a hard time and gave up but I look back now and just think he wasn't at all ready. Especially since he has had no problem sleeping by himself in the crib at two months.
Wow, that was a bit of a tangent. I meant to talk about his two month vaccinations! Anyway, Nathan got his shots today and I thought he was supposed to get 4 shots (DTap, HIB, Polio/Pneumococcal and HepB), but they apparently have combined some of them and he was only going to get 3. He actually ended up only getting 2 because the doctor wanted to wait on his third HepB vaccine since he has already had two of them (first at a day old, then a month old). He also got an oral vaccine for Rotavirus.
My little bean did so well! I was a bit worried yesterday and this morning. I've heard bad things about these vaccines but they went just fine and he only cried a little bit. I even nursed him right after, put him in his sling and did some grocery shopping! Brave little man!
Which leads into my final part of my title list: Peppermint Mocha Creamer. It is FINALLY available ... YUM!! Now I don't have to spend $$ at Starbucks this winter. I can make my own =) Love it!
Sorry this was such a long post! I guess I was just in the mood to write. I need to direct that into my essay for grad. school. I've seriously had 5 months to write this essay to get into the School Library program and I haven't done it. I need to write it this weekend before I start work again! Procrastination anyone?
Have a great weekend! btw -- ksteve.scentsy.com (I have a baby to diaper....) ;-)