Monday, February 15, 2010

Days off rock!

We had a lot of fun today. Nathan and I met up with some friends of ours from church. Ashleigh is about a month older than Nathan so her mom Meta and I decided to take them to "Book Babies" at the library near my work. It was great to finally be able to do something SAHM-y for once. Nathan seemed to enjoy it, he's never seen so many babies before, he couldn't stop staring.

After the library we went out to eat, both kiddos did well. Poor Nathan kept having his naps interrupted however. Since he falls asleep the second he gets in the car I had to wake him up twice (once at the library and once at the restaurant) so when we got home I sat in the car for 40 minutes so he could finally get an hour of sleep.

Other than that I've just been doing some laundry and dishes today. Need to finish this up since I really should be  working on my homework that's due tomorrow. I was planning on starting it around 5 but Caleb had to set up the new speakers he got for the computer and then it was time for dinner. Guess I better get started.

If you get bored and are in any way interested in libraries, check out my school blog (for my class) at

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