Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snow, Naptime and Graduation...

Well look at that, another post within a week! I'm getting there :0)

Much of the same around here. Today it's snowing again after two weeks of good spring weather. Hopefully it wont last and honestly, I can't really complain that much since Colorado and Oklahoma are getting hit a lot harder.

Nathan is snoozing (finally) and I'm thinking about getting started on some homework. Nothing that's due for a few weeks but I figure I might as well. I also have a lot of reading that I need to do, that's actually for Monday so I had probably better get cracking on that.

In Nathan's world, he'll be 7mos next Thursday. Every month I wonder where the time went. He's sitting up very well by himself now and is just starting to get up on his knees. I think it'll be a bit before he crawls though. Hmm I probably mentioned all of that in my last post. I haven't read it since last week so I have no idea. Sorry about that.

Big stuff that's going on revolves around school and work. Nothing will really change until next year but I do need to make a decision soon regarding school. If I want to try to cram my observation hours into the next two semesters then I can do my student teaching next spring. Meaning, I'll be looking for a REAL teaching job this time next year. My other option is to extend it out another semester, do my student teaching in the Fall of 2011 and start looking for a job after that. Getting it done sooner would be preferable but also more stressful. I guess I'm just going to see how many hours I can get from now until September and if I can conceivably finish the hours over the fall semester I will. Otherwise I'll extend it out.

Caleb has also just found out his uncles are interested in having him work for them when we move back to Oklahoma. He's still deciding what he wants to do, but it would be a great opportunity. It's really going to depend a lot on my degree though and when I get it, etc. etc. etc. But - the future is looking bright and we can only thank God for that!


  1. Although we love to hear/see what is up with Nathan I am glad to hear about you! It sounds like things are going really well. I am so happy for you. I can totally understand the stressful feeling of wanting to get it done sooner but also not wanting to feel too crazy in the process. Remember that I think you are supermom either way. Work, school and motherhood sounds very overwhelming to me! Love and miss you! Maggie

  2. 7 months?!?!? Seriously, where did the time go?! The twins will be 6 months in a few weeks and I am seriously in shock!

    Fun stuff! Glad to have an update!
