We took Nathan to the Oklahoma Science Museum (formerly known as the Omniplex). It was the obvious choice for three reasons:
1. We'd never been there before.
2. Kids under 4 are free
3. It was 103 out today.
So we finally got ourselves out of the house around eleven and decided to stop by Chic-fil-a for lunch and let Nathan play. We usually go through the drive-thru and the poor kid never gets to play on the playground so we thought it'd be nice to actually let him do it this time.
After that we headed to the museum which apparently was redone in the last few years. It felt to us that the new version was modeled off of our favorite Chicago museum: The Museum of Science and Industry. While it wasn't nearly as big, it had very similar exhibits and was set up a lot like it.
Of course I forgot to bring my camera so I have no pictures to share with you, but for kicks and giggles I'll throw in a few pictures from when we went to the Museum of Science in Industry this past March. Oh my I miss Chicago!


I picked pictures of exhibits that they had at the Oklahoma Science Museum too ... so basically, I didn't need to take pics! :)
ummm...I just want to correct you a little...I HAVE been to the Oklahoma Science museum before. It was back when it was still the Omniplex when I was in high school, so technically I guess I haven't been since it got updated and renamed, but I have been there. We as a family haven't been there so you're right in that regard.