So much for the crib. After two pretty good nights it has become hated, by both of us. Nathan apparently decided it was not something he was interested in despite doing it for two nights in a row.
We spent two more awful nights on Sunday and Monday fighting until I gave up in the wee hours of the morning and just brought him back to bed with me. Last night I thought I'd go ahead and bring the pack&play into the bedroom and try that since he'll nap in it. Yeah, still a no-go. I will say I didn't try as hard this time around since I was exhausted from the previous two nights, so the first time he woke himself up, I just gave up and brought him to bed.
He wont be patted back down and he ends up waking himself up COMPLETELY. Like, wide awake, quiet-alert awake which is something he just doesn't do normally. Once 1am rolls around he usually sleeps without waking (except to eat) until 8ish. It's just ridiculous. I'm sorry but I wont let my 5 week old cry-it-out. He's just too little - Sorry Dr. Cimo, but I'm not doing it. (I'm going against the pediatrician...uh oh!) Everything I've read says you can't spoil a baby this little, that their crying is not manipulative so, I refuse.
Self-soothing will come in time. When he's older I'll be able to let him cry-it-out but for now we're going to be a co-sleeping family. We all sleep better. He sleeps pretty much all night and doesn't even fully wake up to eat. Just gets fussy in his sleep and is able to eat while staying half asleep. I'm able to just roll onto my side and nurse and we both drift off to sleep again. It's wonderful. Why do people in the USA have such an issue w/ co-sleeping? Now I understand it can be dangerous if you roll onto the baby, but we've got it set up that I really don't think this will happen.
I've put that co-sleeper I bought in the middle of the bed and I'll put him in it when he's VERY asleep, but if I hold him I'll place him in my left arm against the side of the co-sleeper and I sleep on my side. There is no where for me to roll too and Caleb is on the other side of the co-sleeper, therefore completely out of the picture when it comes to rolling onto Nathan. It works, he sleeps so well and so do I. I got so much sleep last night! I was able to wake up at 8am w/ Caleb again. Something I haven't been able to do since attempting the crib (even on the "good" nights) ... I had to sleep until 9 then and even felt like I could sleep longer.
I'm also attempting to get Nathan used to his sling. I haven't used it much, but I love having him close yet able to have my hands free to do things (like eat lunch!). Right now he's in it, sleeping away. Sweet boy. Dr. Sear's says babies who stay close to mom in slings all day sleep better at night. Interesting. We shall test this theory.
So now I am a breastfeeding, baby-wearing, co-sleeping mommy. If we start doing a little cloth-diapering I can add that to my list of "hippy" things I do too... Heck, maybe I'll even make my own baby food ...