Sorry it took so long to update. My appointment went well. It turns out I do have a small prolapse but the doctor said there wasn't much we could do about it and that it isn't dangerous. She did say
that although we could do things to fix it if it really was
bothersome (surgery) it didn't make any sense to do it now since I want more children. Pregnancy would just undo anything we fix. So, if I get it fixed it'll be after we have all the children we're planning on having.

I guess prolapse is pretty common after pregnancy and w/ age. I had just never heard of it. No one really talks about what you'll look like "down there" after pregnancy. I guess I was just shocked by it.
Anyway, not much else is going on here. Nathan has his 4 week wellness appointment on Friday. I can't believe he's already a month old! I need to get something to make an imprint of his little feet into. Molding clay or something because they're so freaking cute and I can't stand the thought of them getting bigger. It's funny how excited you get when your child starts to do new things and get bigger, but it's so bittersweet too. You want them to stay tiny!

What is prolapse exactly? I guess I could look it up but I've never heard of it either. Your boy sure is cute :) How much more time off work do you get with him?