He is awake between feedings until about 1 or 2 am depending on when he eats (which is based on how he sets his schedule during the day..sometimes he eats every 2 hrs during the day, sometimes it's just every hour...but at night it always goes back to 2-3 hrs). After that 1/2am feeding he goes to sleep until 4 or 5 (depending on when he ate last) and then goes right back to sleep until 7 or 8am.
So, really I'm getting almost 6 hours of sleep a night! Pretty good if you ask me! We do need to figure something out though for when I go back to work in November. I'll have to wake up around 5, so I wont be getting those extra three hours in. Not sure how to switch his little schedule, but we'll see.
The other night he slept between every feeding starting at 11pm, which would be better for once I go back to work, but I don't know how to repeat that, lol.
As for the crib situation, I've given up. I've talked to friends and family w/ young children and they all say their kiddos didn't sleep in the crib until 2 months. What I've done however, is buy a sleep positioner (see the picture below) that goes in between Caleb and I in the bed. It keeps us from rolling over on him, plus gets Nathan used to sleeping somewhere other than our arms. And, once you want to move him to the crib, you can put it in there to help the transition.
So far he seems to like it. He does end up in my arms at some point in the night, mainly because he's fussy and as I'm calming him down I fall asleep, lol. Oh well, we'll get the hang of it!
His yucky cord stump is about to fall off. I think it'll be off sometime today, it's only hanging on by a thread. I didn't know how icky it would look underneath so I called the pediatrician this morning because we were afraid it was infected. But, apparently it is only infected if it is red AROUND the navel ... not on the navel. So even though the belly button is red and has some pus on it, it is normal. I'm just supposed to apply alcohol to it to help it dry out now. I can't wait until it's all healed and the stump is gone. It stinks!
Sorry this is such a long post! I didn't realize I had such a long update. Saturday was our first Oklahoma State game and we dressed Nathan up in his OSU gear and he was soo cute! To make the day even better? OSU won against Georgia and OU lost against BYU! Love it!
Okay, enough...hehe. Hope you have a great Labor Day!

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