Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Rocky Mountain High....Colorado! How I miss you!
I will be coming out with Nathan (still not sure if Caleb will be coming) in mid-May for a few days for my sister's graduation. I'll have to take two of my 2-1/2 personal days that I have left. Meaning, I can't get sick from now until the end of the year! I am excited to come out in the middle of May, the weather should be pretty nice.
Right after Colorado we've got to make it to Oklahoma for Memorial Day weekend for Caleb's 10-year high school reunion. Amazing that we've been out of high school this long. I'll have been out for 7 years this May...I can't believe it, time flies!
Christmas went very well, Nathan was so cute...I have taken a TON of pictures (something I'm usually horrible at) and I can't wait to post them on facebook. I'll do a short picture post on here as well once I get them uploaded. It'll probably be after we get home. I don't think I'm able to get them on my parent's computers without our Kodak EasyShare program.
We're headed up to Cheyenne, WY for New Year's. My parents always go up to our family friend's house and it's been a few years since we've been able to get up there so I'm pretty excited about it. Plus, their oldest daughter is in from North Carolina with her almost 6 month old, so I can't wait to get Nathan and her together.
Right now my sister, cousin and I are watching "Say Yes to the Dress" on TLC. I can't wait until Katie and her boyfriend get engaged (should be happening VERY soon) so I can go with her to pick out her dress. So exciting!! Anyway, later today we're taking family portraits with everyone. It'll be nice to have so many new pictures (we have the ones we took of just us and Nathan also).
Well, off to spend some more family-time!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Skiatook and Christmas Carolling
Caleb's sister Heather gave us a portrait session as well as a photo package as our Christmas present. I'm very grateful since portraits are one of those things you need once you have kids, but we aren't really in a place where we can afford them.
So after we got those taken - Nathan did really well, no screaming, just had a hard time getting him to smile after a while - we at dinner at Mazzio's and then headed up to Skiatook where Caleb's extended family live.
Next year we'll be up in this area just north of Tulsa the entire time since his parents are moving from a little town south east of OKC to Bartlesville which isn't too far from Skiatook. It'll make our drive from Chicago about two hours shorter.
Anyway, tonight is the annual Neighbors Family Carolling. It's pretty special event for us this year since we have Nathan. We go around to the same houses every year so any new additions get special attention. It'll be fun!
I'll make sure to take a lot of pictures tonight and tomorrow (we have the big family Christmas tomorrow on Christmas Eve) and I'll post them when we get back to Chicago. I don't think I can post them on a computer that doesn't have Kodak Easy Share on it already.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I did nurse him in Joplin when we stopped for gas, so we lost some time there as well. Overall it went very well though. I'll be interested to see how he does on the airplane.
On Tuesday we're heading up to Stillwater to eat lunch, see the stadium and just hang out. I miss that place! After Stillwater, we'll continue on up to Skiatook. Carolling is Wednesday night and we'll have the big family Christmas on Thursday and then Friday will just be a relaxing sleep-in day. Perhaps we'll go see a movie.
We fly into Colorado early Saturday (our flight is at 6:45 or so) and will be there until the end of the week. Then we fly back to Tulsa and drive home on the 2nd. It's a whirlwind, but it's good to see family!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The calm before the storm..
I will only be going down to school once a week (Monday nights) for my YA Lit class. My other Dominican class is a weekend class. Three weekends during the semester...all day long. It is an elective called Libraries 2.0 and Social Networking. Should be interesting (and easy I hope!), plus I thought it would be better than two classes a week. Being out until 10pm twice a week is NOT my idea of fun.
The education class I'll be taking is "Exceptional Child" which deals with disabilities in the classroom. It's an internet class with some required observation hours. I'm hoping this will fit in okay and I will do okay in the three classes.
It's funny, when I don't really think about it, I don't feel like I'll be taking on that much. However, once I start to lay it all out and look at it, I start to get nervous. How am I going to do this? Working full time, three classes AND a baby at home? I'm sad because my free time will be gone. My biggest fear is that I'll be working so hard that I'll have a lot less time to just snuggle with Nathan and he'll be grown up before I know it. Am I going to miss out on his "babyhood" because I'm so busy?
Eh, anyway...break is coming up and I'm excited to see our families again. We leave Saturday the 19th and don't get back until after New Years. We'll be going to Oklahoma first, then Colorado. Not sure how Nathan will do with the sleeping arrangements, but right now he's so messed up anyway. Ever since his growth spurt over Thanksgiving, he's been a mess.
I've decided to stop getting excited anytime Nathan's sleep routine seems to even out. Every time he's seemed to come up with a pattern (down at a certain time and falling asleep by himself for a week, sleeping through the night for a few days, etc.) it always goes out the window for no real reason. We don't change his bedtime routine and yet something causes him to change completely...right after I've started to relax, thinking he's settling into something.
Right now I feel like we're dealing with a newborn again. He doesn't want to sleep anywhere but our arms (which might be because he's got a bit of a cold), he's definitely not sleeping through the night, and he hasn't fallen asleep on his own since the week before Thanksgiving. This, a month and a half after he started sleeping on his own, falling asleep by himself and even getting to a point (when I thought Babywise was working) were he only woke up once a night.
I give up. I'm going to stick with his same "routine" (9pm bath, book, song, etc.) and if he sleeps well...great! But I'm not going to get hopeful that it'll last.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Oh growth spurt...
I'm going to start a list of all the things I need for Nathan so I make sure I don't forget anything. Yes, Walmart exists, but it'll be cheaper if I bring it with!
I probably mentioned Nathan's growth spurt in my last post, but I'll mention again how thrilled I am that it's over (for now)! I have my sweet happy baby back...poor guy's bones must of really been aching last weekend, he was a mess. His sleep schedule got very screwed up due to the growth spurt and family coming to town. We're getting back into it but we still have a ways to go. While he is back to going to bed at a decent hour, he is now waking up around 2am again as well as not being able to fall asleep on his own. He got into this great routine of being able to fall asleep by himself a few weeks ago (I know I wrote about it) but it's all gone out the window since Thanksgiving...oh well, I'm sure we'll get there again eventually!
Scentsy is going okay still. I need to start finding people who want to have parties so I can keep it going. November went well sales-wise, but I wont see my commission until late this month. I'm a little frustrated by that, I was hoping to see it before our trip so we'd have a little buffer, but oh well.
Well, I hope the next two weeks fly by. I'm excited to see family again!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
My parents came into town for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to see them and I really wish they could have stayed longer. It always feels like vacations are gone before you know it. They came in Tuesday night and stayed until very early this morning. It's a sixteen hour drive from here to Denver which they're hoping to do all in one day. They took two days to get out here.
I miss them already but we'll see them in less than a month. We are going to Oklahoma and Colorado for Christmas this year. Since I have two weeks off work we'll be driving to Oklahoma first and then flying from Tulsa to Denver for the second week. Then back to Tulsa and then driving home. It should be interesting w/ Nathan. We'll see how he does on the plane!
Right now little bean is fussing in his swing. He's tired but wasn't falling asleep in my arms so I put him in there. Doesn't seem to want to fall asleep though...well...maybe he's starting to drift off. I'll let you know!
His fantastic sleeping pattern from last week has been suffering lately. I'm not sure if it was the 12week growth spurt followed by a lot of visitors, but he's been all screwed up the last few nights. Not just that he's waking up again, but he's having a hard time GOING to sleep...something that he hasn't had a problem with for a month or more.
Thursday night we just thought he might be overtired because he didn't get a good afternoon nap in, but last night despite some good naps, he didn't want to go to bed in his crib. At least not on his own. We'll see if he gets back into the routine now that family is gone. I'm really worried about Christmas though. Having to go visit family with a different crib in two places...I'm not sure how he'll do.
Hmm, he's doing his "I'm tired" fussing still...I might try to put him down in his crib. Probably wont work, but worth a try I guess.
One of these days I'll do a picture post. Maybe later today. I have pictures from Thanksgiving I'd like to share.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
a day off...
My first week back was hard, I'm not going to lie. The actual days at work were okay, not really that bad although by 3:30 I was shot and barely making it through those last 45 minutes. The worst was when I'd leave work. It is only a 20minute drive in the morning, but by 4:15 that drive is up to at the very least 30minutes and with all of the construction going on, it's more like 40-45minutes. So by the time I got home at 5pm, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and relax with Nathan, but no I have to wash bottles, wash my pump parts, make dinner and get anything else done (laundry, cat boxes, etc.) So while that doesn't really take THAT long, it really eats into my time w/ Nathan. Before I know it it's 9 and time for his bath and bedtime routine. Which is a nice quiet time with him, but still.
This week has been better, partially due to the fact that I FINALLY found a route home without construction. Takes me just a tad over 30mins, door to door. I've also decided that if I do everything the second I come home (bottle washing, etc.) that it makes it a little better. Then I'm not dreading it for an hour or so. I get it done and can relax. Guess I just have to get into one of those little things they call a routine. Not that easy since the hardest routine I've had to master in the last five months has been waking up by 9am, making coffee and sitting in front of the computer. Well, I guess we did get Nathan's bedtime routine going which was a bit difficult at first. Not because of him, but because I had to get used to remembering to get off my butt and start it every night.
Anywho, I have Veteran's Day off today (had last Tuesday off too) so it's been a nice 'easing' into the work week. Next week is the first time I'll have to work every day, and I even get to leave early on Tuesday because of a class I have to take. WIC requires you to take a class at 3mo, 6mo, and 9mo. and for some odd reason they only offer them during the work day. Not sure why since most mom's on WIC probably work a lot less flexible jobs than I do and are most likely stuck taking sick days. Seems a bit counter intuitive to me. Then it's time for Thanksgiving! My family is coming in from Colorado and I'm excited to see them. My sister and brother haven't seen Nathan yet if you can believe it. That's what I get for having a kid right when school starts. That reminds me...I need to see if I can find a card table and chairs since we don't have enough for everyone for Thanksgiving dinner. I really want to use my china and I don't think we can eat Thanksgiving turkey while sitting on the couch! (or floor).
Wow, this post turned out to be a long one. Sorry about that. One more thing then I'm done, I promise.
In Scentsy news: Holiday warmers ARE going fast. The Heavenly warmer that my mom ordered (in time, thankfully) is already SOLD OUT, a week and a half after going on sale. Many of the others are already on back-order too. I've found that Scenty's back-order really doesn't take that long thankfully. But, it is a precursor to the seasonal ones being sold out since they only make a certain amount. ksteve.scentsy.com
Also, I placed my first 'party' order and let's just say I'm pleasantly surprised by the hostess rewards. I was the hostess for this party so I could build my stock for house parties. My four guests placed orders totaling $300 which allowed me to receive two items for half-price and $26 worth of free stuff. So I got two warmers for $13.50 each and 5 bars for free! So, if you're at all interested in a party let me know, it's a great way to get free Scentsy stuff. If you're in Chicago we can do either a house party or a basket party and if you live out of state from me, we can do a basket party! I just send you all of the stuff you need.
Okay, enough. Have a great Veteran's Day! I'll try to update more often so I don't always have long posts!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Holiday Warmers Are Here!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Giordano's, Shots and Peppermint Mocha Creamer...
We did get a lovely gift card for the Olive Garden from Caleb's parents so we will be going out eventually (maybe tonight if the rain lets up a bit) but for now we're a very boring married couple who don't even go out on their anniversary. Sometimes I wish we didn't enjoy staying home so much! We are major homebodies.
Today was Nathan's two month wellness visit. The pediatrician said he looked wonderful and she didn't ask me about sleeping arrangements this time even though now I can actually say that he's in his crib! You'd be amazed at the difference in exhaustion when it comes to crib vs. co-sleeping though. Until he sleeps through the night I might have to co-sleep still during the week. Just getting out of bed at 3/4am makes me SOOO much more tired than waking up to roll over and nurse him. I'm kinda surprised by it actually.
Wednesday night we accidentally co-slept again (first time in over a week) because Caleb and I both fell asleep before I put him down. I woke up at 2:30 and just decided to stay there since he was going to wake up in an hour or so to eat anyway. Last night though he was back in his crib...AND he slept until 5am. A nice 5 hour stretch! I know better than to get my hopes up though. The first night we got him into his crib he slept 6 hours, the next night 5 and then after than he was back to waking for his 3am feeding.
I'm just thankful it really wasn't that hard to get him into his crib like the doctor said it would be. Sure, back at one month I had a hard time and gave up but I look back now and just think he wasn't at all ready. Especially since he has had no problem sleeping by himself in the crib at two months.
Wow, that was a bit of a tangent. I meant to talk about his two month vaccinations! Anyway, Nathan got his shots today and I thought he was supposed to get 4 shots (DTap, HIB, Polio/Pneumococcal and HepB), but they apparently have combined some of them and he was only going to get 3. He actually ended up only getting 2 because the doctor wanted to wait on his third HepB vaccine since he has already had two of them (first at a day old, then a month old). He also got an oral vaccine for Rotavirus.
My little bean did so well! I was a bit worried yesterday and this morning. I've heard bad things about these vaccines but they went just fine and he only cried a little bit. I even nursed him right after, put him in his sling and did some grocery shopping! Brave little man!
Which leads into my final part of my title list: Peppermint Mocha Creamer. It is FINALLY available ... YUM!! Now I don't have to spend $$ at Starbucks this winter. I can make my own =) Love it!
Sorry this was such a long post! I guess I was just in the mood to write. I need to direct that into my essay for grad. school. I've seriously had 5 months to write this essay to get into the School Library program and I haven't done it. I need to write it this weekend before I start work again! Procrastination anyone?
Have a great weekend! btw -- ksteve.scentsy.com (I have a baby to diaper....) ;-)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
4 years....
Monday, October 26, 2009
Last Chance!
Last week to get the October warmer of the month for 10% off!
Next month's burner is a Holly Leaf design for the Holidays, very cute!
Remember, all warmers are wick-free...meaning no candles! Great for classrooms and dorms!!!... Wax also doesn't get hot enough to burn so it's safe for kids and pets!
Warmers = $30! GREAT GIFTS!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Picture Post
Here are some recent pictures:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
He did it!!!
He's become much more comfortable in his crib, during the day he'll lay in there while I'm doing laundry and watch his mobile. It's adorable because he gets so excited when he sees it but actually starts giggling when I turn it on.
Anyway, I decided to try again last night after having him nap in there during the day yesterday and it worked! Six straight hours and he slept through his 4am feeding!
Hope we're able to keep it up!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ah, The First Cold...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Stupid Halloween
Anyway, I should have bought size 3-6mo and now there is nothing I can do about it. Target doesn't have the costume in stock anymore and we can't afford to buy another one right now. So frustrating! We do have this cute little pumpkin onesie that Caleb's mom got him that I was going to put him in w/ some Halloween socks my mom got him, but we don't have any black pants and I can't put him in just a onesie in Chicago. GRRRRR...
So, my next option is his snow suit which is a blue suit w/ bear ears on the hood. I guess I'll put him in that with a little black make-up on this nose. Great, every time we look back at pictures he's going to ask what the heck he was. A stupid blue bear...
Ugh, can you tell I'm upset? I REALLY wanted to do well with my child's first holiday and I feel like I've failed already. I realize he wont remember it, but that's not really my concern...the pictures are the concern. I wanted to make sure he had cute Halloween pictures that he could always look back on. Every child needs to be a pumpkin at least once too.....not some random bear.
So mad at myself.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
They really don't cost all that much and would make great gifts this Christmas.
Check out all of the neat Scentsy warmers on my site: ksteve.scentsy.com
If you're interested in purchasing anything or in selling it yourself let me know! Also, to all my Canadian friends, Scentsy just came to Canada this fall ... meaning you can now sell it too! Just ask me how
Monday, October 12, 2009
Last night we attempted the pack&play again. This time it went "ok"... he slept about half the night in it, on and off. Caleb put him in the p&p around 2am after Nathan and I both fell asleep after his 1am feeding. Then he woke up around 3 to eat again and as much as I meant to put him right back in the p&p afterward, we fell asleep until 4:15ish. Of course when I tried to move him back to the p&p he woke up and started his gas grunting and then made a huge messy diaper.
So, by the time I got that all sorted out it was 5am and so I put him down again and GUESS WHAT!?! He actually fell asleep on his own! First time (at night) that he's ever done this! Progress, progress!
Maybe we're getting there.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
one year later...

Monday, October 5, 2009
Not Me! Monday!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Target and the Olympic Bid
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Baby-wearing and co-sleeping
So much for the crib. After two pretty good nights it has become hated, by both of us. Nathan apparently decided it was not something he was interested in despite doing it for two nights in a row.
We spent two more awful nights on Sunday and Monday fighting until I gave up in the wee hours of the morning and just brought him back to bed with me. Last night I thought I'd go ahead and bring the pack&play into the bedroom and try that since he'll nap in it. Yeah, still a no-go. I will say I didn't try as hard this time around since I was exhausted from the previous two nights, so the first time he woke himself up, I just gave up and brought him to bed.
He wont be patted back down and he ends up waking himself up COMPLETELY. Like, wide awake, quiet-alert awake which is something he just doesn't do normally. Once 1am rolls around he usually sleeps without waking (except to eat) until 8ish. It's just ridiculous. I'm sorry but I wont let my 5 week old cry-it-out. He's just too little - Sorry Dr. Cimo, but I'm not doing it. (I'm going against the pediatrician...uh oh!) Everything I've read says you can't spoil a baby this little, that their crying is not manipulative so, I refuse.
Self-soothing will come in time. When he's older I'll be able to let him cry-it-out but for now we're going to be a co-sleeping family. We all sleep better. He sleeps pretty much all night and doesn't even fully wake up to eat. Just gets fussy in his sleep and is able to eat while staying half asleep. I'm able to just roll onto my side and nurse and we both drift off to sleep again. It's wonderful. Why do people in the USA have such an issue w/ co-sleeping? Now I understand it can be dangerous if you roll onto the baby, but we've got it set up that I really don't think this will happen.
I've put that co-sleeper I bought in the middle of the bed and I'll put him in it when he's VERY asleep, but if I hold him I'll place him in my left arm against the side of the co-sleeper and I sleep on my side. There is no where for me to roll too and Caleb is on the other side of the co-sleeper, therefore completely out of the picture when it comes to rolling onto Nathan. It works, he sleeps so well and so do I. I got so much sleep last night! I was able to wake up at 8am w/ Caleb again. Something I haven't been able to do since attempting the crib (even on the "good" nights) ... I had to sleep until 9 then and even felt like I could sleep longer.
I'm also attempting to get Nathan used to his sling. I haven't used it much, but I love having him close yet able to have my hands free to do things (like eat lunch!). Right now he's in it, sleeping away. Sweet boy. Dr. Sear's says babies who stay close to mom in slings all day sleep better at night. Interesting. We shall test this theory.
So now I am a breastfeeding, baby-wearing, co-sleeping mommy. If we start doing a little cloth-diapering I can add that to my list of "hippy" things I do too... Heck, maybe I'll even make my own baby food ...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Month Old Today!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
update w/ nathan pictures

Sorry it took so long to update. My appointment went well. It turns out I do have a small prolapse but the doctor said there wasn't much we could do about it and that it isn't dangerous. She did say

Monday, September 21, 2009
good morning!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Welcome baby Leah!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 years...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Josh Josh Josh
Monday, September 7, 2009
Two weeks!

Friday, September 4, 2009
Growth Spurts
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Picture Post!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
one week later...

I can't believe he's already been here a week! Amazing. I could just stare at him for hours.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Birth Story
Nathaniel Louis
August 25th, 2009 @ 9:47pm
7lbs, 15oz
20.5 inches

Birth Story Below: WARNING, medical/"labor" info you may not care to read ;-)
He's here! I was induced on August 25th which was also my EDD.
We had to call L&D that morning to find out when we were supposed to come in. We finally got the all clear to come in around 10:30am CST but when we got there we still had to wait until 11am to get our room.
Once in there it took a while to get my IV in, they had to try twice before getting it so the pitocin wasn't started until 11:30ish that morning.
They checked my cervix around noon and it was 2 and 1/2 cm, very effaced but very posterior. BTW, I thought I'd had my cervix checked before but OMG this was the most painful thing I'd ever experienced. Nathan's head was in the way and to get around it I think the doctor ripped me in half. I couldn't believe how bad the pain was!
After the evil cervix doctor left, my contractions started going and were getting very close together but they were painless for quite a while. They upped my dosage to 8 around 3pm right after they broke my water (I'd advanced to 4cm by that time) and that was when I finally started to feel something. After about a half hour of that I went ahead and asked for the epidural. It took another hour or so for the guy to get there, so that was placed around 5pm. The contractions were a lot stronger but I could still talk through them.
My epidural was easy -- very painless to get, I HIGHLY recommend it! Once I got the epidural they upped my pitocin to 10 but when they checked me an hour later I was still only 4cm dilated.
The same evil cervix doctor decided to place a monitor inside to check the strength of the contractions. An hour later my nurse wasn't sure how well it was working or if it had been placed correctly so she found another doctor to redo it. The doctor then found that I was 9cm! 4 to 9 in an hour! I couldn't believe it. I'd been worried I was going to stall at 4cm.
After that they went ahead and let my doctor know (she was on call but not at the hospital) and then decided to let me labor down for a while. It took forever for my doctor to get there so when she finally did around 9pm we were given the all clear to start to push.
The nurse and my mom held my legs while Caleb held my head. I couldn't believe how hard it was to keep from using your face! He just provided some pressure on my forehead which really seemed to help, but I still ended up with a rash from it the next day. It went away pretty quickly though. I started pushing from 9:15ish and by the time 9:30 (I think, I wasn’t paying too much attention to the time) rolled around the nurse was calling for the doctor who had disappeared again! I guess she figured, first baby, I’d be pushing for at least an hour. At one point the nurse called for ANY doctor otherwise she’d be delivering the baby herself!
My doctor did show up just in time and at 9:47pm Nathaniel Louis was born! I was able to have him placed right on my chest for a few minutes before they took him to clean him up and give him the vitamin k shot. We did get to wait an hour before we put the eye drops in and they also did the cord blood collection for donation.
Overall I think it went well. I didn’t have a huge idea on birth plan, I just figured I’d get the epidural and as long as the baby was healthy, I’d be happy. I knew I wanted to donate the cord blood as well as wait for the eye drops until after the initial bonding time, but other than that I didn’t have a set plan.
I did tear a little bit, but I haven’t had too much pain with the healing process. One of my tears caused me to have the catheter in place until morning. It was nice not having to get up!
Anyway, that was my experience … again, I love epidurals! ;-)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
God moments ...Blessed Be His Name!
Blessed be your name
In the land that is plentiful
Where the streams of abundance flow
Blessed be your name
Blessed be your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be your name
Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name
Blessed be your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be your name
Blessed be your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be your name
Every blessing you pour out,
I turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say...
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be your name
Anyway, I have had a few God moments involving this song. I would say just hearing the song in the first place would be one. The second, the largest and biggest for me, occurred one Saturday in October, only a few weeks after my miscarriage. I was on my way to my 9am class. As I was driving I started to ask "why" again. I mean who WOULDN'T ask God why? As I rounded a bend in the road the song came on and as I looked up into the sky (don't worry I was still paying attention to the road) I saw something I will never forget. A Rainbow. My rainbow. It meant everything and the world. God sent Noah a rainbow as a promise to never again flood the earth. I truly believe God sent me that rainbow as a promise that I will never again have another miscarriage. That moment will rank up there in God moments for me. I only have one other one that would come close ... but that's another story for another day.
So, finally, back to my God moment from today. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm being induced on Tuesday. A full year from finding out about our first pregnancy, I'm going to give birth to our son. Today at church, can you guess what song we sang - that we've NEVER sung any other Sunday in the year and a half we've attended? You guessed it. Blessed Be Your Name.
Thank you Lord, thank you so very very much.