I decided to start this blog as well as my xanga. Maybe I'll move over here completely and jut provide a link on xanga. I attempted this almost two years ago and I never stuck with it. We'll see...
I'm so glad it's Saturday. Once I get offline I'm going to clean this apartment up. It's a mess. Our bedroom especially. I have a lot of papers to file. I always put it off...mainly because I need a real file cabinet, not file boxes that hold hardly anything. I think I'll ask for that as well as a new bed for my birthday. Big but practical things this year...
In awesome news, we'll probably get to move into our new apartment earlier than anticipated! We weren't going to be able to move until August 1st...now it's looking like July 1st...or perhaps even sooner, like mid-June. Now if I can just be sure I wont lose my job..
Here is my most recent belly picture:
18/19 weeks
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