Well, here are our ultrasound pictures from yesterday. I have to admit I kinda like our 12 week pictures better because you can't see all of the baby's bones yet. Seeing all of the bones makes him look like a little skeleton baby! It also looks like the poor guy already has my nose! We were hoping he'd get Caleb's. I guess that Gallatin family (my grandmother's side) nose is just too strong. Oh well...lol. The ultrasound tech didn't give us a copy of the boy shot, but she pointed it out to us and said it was definitely a boy.
Other than that, I'm having my cervix monitored in a new study they're doing. It's free and my cervix is a little short so they're going to make sure it doesn't get any shorter. Any shorter can point to an increased risk for pre-term labor. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to monitor it. I'd much rather find out I need progesterone, than suddenly go into labor a month from now.
Also, we're growing today it feels like...I'm having some round ligament pain. =) Before I know it he'll be big enough to kick me in the ribs. I'm enjoying my time before that happens!
Well, not too much to update on now that we know it's a boy. I'm so excited! He's going to be so cute =)
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