Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I'm feeling better today. Not that I'm not still worried about everything deep down, but it is not pressing on my every thought and I'm not stressing. 

Right now I just wish this little one would stop jumping on my bladder. I've only recently begun to feel the bladder kicks and I can't say I'm that thrilled. I love feeling it kick outward toward my belly...bouncing on my bladder? Not so much. 

Due to this, I thought I'd touch on the less glamorous symptoms and events of pregnancy...not stressful, awful things...but not the cute belly pics and fun ultrasounds:

-Morning Sickness; I didn't really have it thank goodness. I was nauseous, but I only threw up 4 times.
-Acne; my face has broken out like crazy. It has started to go back to normal, but it's still worse than before pregnancy
-Greasy Hair; again, an early pregnancy symptom for me. Thank goodness it has evened out again.
-Fatigue; wow you're tired the first trimester. I didn't believe it until I experienced it. Thank the Lord for week 14. That's when I got some energy back.
-Bloody Noses; second trimester and BAM I would get one every day. I think I've found a way to control them (Saline Spray) but I had some of the worst ones of my life this trimester. Think 20 minutes, faucet, none stop. Lovely image, isn't it?
-Hemorrhoids; okay, so I haven't gotten these yet...but who knew you got them during pregnancy? I thought they were reserved for old men. Boy can I wait...
-Gas; hot, I know. I keep joking w/ Caleb that it must be a boy. His testosterone is causing me to let one go every 5 seconds. 
-Constipation; along with the gas and the hemorrhoids. Luckily I've only had a few bad days.
-Weight Gain; okay so this one isn't bad, I mean you KNOW you're going to gain weight and I've really been pretty pleased. I haven't gained too much, I've gained about 10 lbs so far. I'll continue to put on about a pound a week now and so far none of the weight is in my face (my biggest fear). 
-Stretch Marks; so far so good....keeping my fingers crossed.

Hmm...I'm sure there are some symptoms I'm leaving out. Most of these applied me this pregnancy and I would say I'm having a pretty easy pregnancy. I feel pretty good. I wonder if I'll be so lucky the next time around...


  1. Oh my goodness you're scaring me! I don't want to get bloody noses that don't stop! I thought I left those in 9th grade. All the other ones just sound fabulous as well!

  2. Not everyone gets them. I'm sorry I scared you. I just thought I'd address the sides of pregnancy no one ever mentions (well, besides morning sickness). It's worth it though..I haven't been miserable. Just those bloody noses. Plus, you get to whine about it to your husband and when he tells you to quit, you say "Hey! I'm pregnant..I can complain as much as I want!"
