I can absolutely not believe we are only two weeks away from my due date. How is that possible? It still seems surreal and that it isn't only two weeks away. Two months is more like it.
In the last week or so I've started feeling different. Not necessarily bad but definitely different. In the last few days my stomach seems to have gotten a lot heavier. I feel like suddenly he's gained a ton of weight or something. Almost like I have a bowling ball in there. It has gotten a lot harder to turn over in bed. I understand that this makes sense considering I'm almost due, but for it to suddenly come on in the last three days? I find that a little strange.
I've also become a labor hypochondriac. Every twinge has me wondering if this could be the beginning of labor. It never is but I still keep taking mental notes. Backache, cramps, Braxton Hicks contractions. Heck, I've even made note of the fact that my face broke out like crazy last week. I wish I could just sit back and let it happen but I always want to know when stuff is going to happen. I'm such a planner -- it's driving me nuts!
I have my weekly appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping I can get them to finally check me for dilation. Sarah's wedding is on Saturday and it is 2 hours away from the hospital. I've been given the all clear to go as long as I have no labor symptoms ... but considering I have no clue what I'm looking for in that area other than the obvious (my water breaking or extreme pain) I would like to know if I'm dilated at all beforehand.
Anyway, I need to finish up here. I've got my last assignment due tomorrow and I've barely started on it. Add to that a 1:45 trip to the vet this afternoon and I've got a full day. The emergency vet told us to take him into the regular vet after he finished his UTI meds. Our regular vet recommended it but said she understood if we didn't. I wasn't going to if I was happy with his behavior after the medication was finished, but I'm still not 100% satisfied with his behavior. He doesn't seem to be in pain anymore, but he still is making fairly frequent trips to the litter box. So something might be wrong still ... ugh I hate how much pets can cost you!
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