I've been awake for over an hour. I have heard of pregnant women not being able to sleep but so far I've been pretty blessed. While I usually wake up at least once during the night to go the bathroom, I'm able to fall right back to sleep. Tonight I was not so lucky.
I woke a little earlier than usual for my standard bathroom break. Usually it's 5 something, this morning it was 4:30ish. Sadly when I returned to bed my mind was racing and despite my best efforts to calm it, using all of my usual tactics, I had no luck. Poor Caleb was wide awake too, I probably woke him up when I got up.
Anyway, I tried for about 45 mins to get back to sleep and decided to go ahead and get up once my stomach started growling. There is absolutely no way I'll be getting back to sleep once I'm hungry. Usually I have a stash of saltines by the bed for situations such as this, but I was out and just decided to get up.
So now it's almost 6am on a Saturday morning...I've got my coffee, I've had my bagel. Now what? Guess I'll be hanging out on the computer again. I'm on here way too much these days. But, at least I know that (as well as any hope of getting extra sleep) will be coming to a quick end in a few weeks. I guess I'm just making up for all the time I'll be MIA once the baby arrives.
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