We're still here, no little guy yet. Sarah's wedding was beautiful (I'll post a few pictures below) and I'm glad we were able to make it. On our way we even found a Sonic, which was like an oasis in the desert for us Chicagoans.
That's right, for those of you who don't know the area, there are NO Sonics near the Chicago city limits. This creates major withdrawal for us former Oklahomans who are used to Sonics on every corner (Stillwater actually had 3 Sonics - two within a mile of each other, one of which was the ORIGINAL Sonic) So anyway...you can tell I'm obsessed, right? This year they finally started moving them into the Chicago suburbs but none of the close ones. Meaning they're still all over an hour away. We keep hoping they'll move closer into the city.
In baby news we have had a few things happen, but no labor yet. On Sunday he wasn't moving as much so I went into Labor & Delivery to have him monitored. Of course, everything was just fine and his heartbeat was "perfect" they said. They were wonderful though and told me it is always better to be safe than sorry.
My last doctor's appointment was yesterday morning and his head was so low it was blocking my cervix so I didn't get any news on the dilation/effacement front. She did say it was very effaced however and that he was very low and in a good place for a first baby. Hopefully this means my labor wont take too long once it finally starts.
If you recall we had an ultrasound back at 37 weeks for a fluid check and to determine his size. Well apparently his abdomen was a little small so my doctor decided to send me in for another fluid check and then she wants me to come in again on Friday for another NST (non-stress test..which is the monitoring I had on Sunday) to make sure all is well. Caleb and I went to the ultrasound yesterday afternoon and the fluid is lower than it was a few weeks ago, but still a normal amount.
If I go in on Friday and he passes the NST I think I'll be hanging out and then getting another ultrasound fluid check. Basically I got the impression she wanted me monitored until he arrives. There could be a chance though that we will be induced early next week she said. That's why I'm coming in on Friday so we can schedule the induction for next week if it is needed. Induction doesn't really scare me like it does for a lot of people. My mom had two inductions (my sister and brother) and both went well for her. Considering I'm already well effaced and he's so low, I think induction would work for me. But, who knows.
Caleb and I also were joking around about when we thought he'd make his appearance...I said the 19th (which is tomorrow)...so I'm sure I'm wrong, but if I'm right...it's on the record ;)
Okay, I'll leave you with some pictures from the wedding:

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