Sunday, February 21, 2010


What's going on today? Well, after I worked in the nursery at church we stopped by Target where I picked up a Swiffer WetJet and a few other little things I've been wanting to buy for a while but haven't wanted to spend the money. Oh what that tax return does to you. Our goal this year is not to spend it all frivolously however. We will be saving most of it. Finally.

So far this afternoon I've mopped my whole house minus our bedroom. That, I need to sweep with an actual broom...then mop. What an exciting Sunday. Don't you wish you were here? =)

The rest of my day will be spent with my sweet little boy and the books I need to read for tomorrow while Caleb watches old MASH reruns. I have so much due this Friday...we'll see if I get it done. I'll let you know.

Choppy, uneventful...but such is life.

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