Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break

It's my spring break right now. We aren't doing anything special this week. Caleb's sister is coming in from Tulsa on Thursday to spend Easter with us, but other than that we're just lazing around the house!

Sunday night Nathan had his first fever so I had to reschedule some observation plans I had (I have to observe other school libraries for my teaching certification) so I could be home with him. Poor baby was pretty miserable yesterday morning. Today he's a little better...seems to have a low fever right now but nothing that is making him upset. His little cough is the worst though, I really wish there was some medicine I could give him for it.

I am observing tomorrow all day, that should be interesting. It's not really something I want to do on my spring break but I don't have much choice. I have no other time to get this done. I have 25 of 100 hours simply because I work in a school library. I'll be getting about 6 more hours tomorrow which I guess is progress but man, 75 more hours!? Crazy. I'm going to try to get most of it done this summer - we'll see how it goes.

Yesterday I was very lazy...only did the dishes and swept/mopped a small portion of the kitchen. Nathan is napping right now so I'm hoping I can get the cat boxes and guest bathroom cleaned. Our building had a horrible clog in one of the main sewage pipes. Causing sewage to back up in the laundry room as well as our guest bathroom's tub and toilet. It took FOREVER to get people in to fix...our maintenance guy is a joke (he must be family though because any normal company would have fired him by now) so I have to go through email with the secretary who is awesome and really helpful, but it still takes a while. Anyway, it's finally fixed but I still have to clean up the mess it left. Lots of bleach will be used today.

Caleb is on his way to IKEA to get our new mattress today. We have been needing one for a while but it wasn't until we flipped our mattress a few months ago and realized it smelled like mildew that we decided it couldn't wait any longer. So we waited for our tax return and did some shopping around and decide IKEA was the way to go. We want a memory foam but don't want to pay the $1300 that a Tempur Pedic would cost. At IKEA we can get a queen memory foam  w/ latex for $400 and it has a good warranty too! I wanted to go with but it would have been really cramped in the car and I have a lot to do around here today that I know wouldn't get done if I went.

Alright, time to get started. I have a lot of homework too...no time to waste!~

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