Saturday, January 30, 2010


I can't even begin to express how needed today was. After having class all weekend last week I needed a day to do absolutely nothing. I'm sure I'll be in my pjs all day and I'm really okay with that.

School is going far is isn't too overwhelming. My class that meets over three weekends this semester is probably the best class I've taken so far. I have to blog and use Twitter for it. That makes it quite easy to keep up with. There is quite a bit of reading for my YA Lit class, but so far I'm keeping up...hopefully it'll stay that way! I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for this degree though. Just a year from now I'll be starting the process of student teaching and therefore the job hunt! I can't wait to get into my official career.

Work is going well, nothing too amazing going on these days. I'm also still doing Scentsy which I really enjoy. I don't know that I'll ever get so heavily involved in it that I'll attend conferences and what not, but I enjoy the product enough that I want to sell it still...pretty good in my opinion since I was over Avon by the time I started almost. Making $150-200 a month isn't too hard to do and it really helps us out with the grocery bill! Now if I could just find some more customers to have a party!

As for the most important part of life: Nathan is snoozing on my lap right now. He's still not in his crib for naps. We've also been having a lot of trouble getting him in his crib at night these days. Ever since we got back from Oklahoma he's had problems at night. We had to bring him back into bed with us just to function. I think it was a lovely combo of just getting back, starting solids, and the big one: teething. Nathan now has two new teeth! So cute..his bottom teeth have broken through and are now part of his adorable little smile.

It's amazing how quickly they change from 3-5 months. He's grabbing everything, almost ready to sit up on his own and just so much more aware that I just stare at him in disbelief sometimes. Before I know it he's going to be crawling...which reminds me, I really need to finish babyproofing this place. We need to buy gates still.

Alright, well hopefully it wont be another two weeks before I post again. I can't promise they'll be long posts but I hope to keep you updated with Nathan's milestones!

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