Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ah, The First Cold...

Yes, sadly my little bean is suffering from his first cold. What a happy milestone. I have one too and we "think" we may have gotten it from Caleb's dad when his family was in town last week. We all thought he was just suffering from allergies but now I'm not so sure. Although it could be that this cold is from another source entirely since they were here from Wednesday to Saturday and Nathan and I started feeling sick on Sunday and Nathan did have some congestion even before then. Anyone know what the incubation time is for a common cold? Could we get it that fast or does it take a week?

Anyway, we seem to be feeling a bit better. It's so sad to see a little baby sick, you just wish you could teach him how to blow his nose! The drainage is causing him to have a little cough too... he's so pitiful! The worst part though is that it is creating a bunch of gas in his belly. I assume it has to do with the fact that he's breathing through his mouth while he's eating (or attempting to) and sucking in air, but man, his gas has been WAY worse these last few days. Luckily the Mylicon actually seems to be helping. When he was younger it didn't seem to do much.

All I can really do for him is attempt to suction it out with the bulb syringe (this only half works) and try to keep him a little upright at night. I've also been monitoring him daily for a fever which has luckily not been a problem. Just hope we are actually getting better and he doesn't get any worse. I'd hate to have to deal with an ear infection this early on.

In other developmental news, we've started putting Nathan in his Bumbo chair that his Aunt Heather gave him. He really likes the new point of view he gets when he's in it but although he's holding his head up very very well, he does get tired after a while, so he's not hanging out in it constantly quite yet. He looks pretty funny in it though. Here's a picture:

Also, he is in love with his mobile. He'll actually lay in there for a long time staring at his friends. He talks to them and when I wind it up he gets really excited. It's the cutest thing!

So, lets see....he smiled for the first time around 5 weeks and was really smiling a lot and laughing by 6 weeks. He's been holding his head up since day 2 or so (I promise...the nurse made a huge deal out of it in the hospital) and now at 8 weeks we have his first cold. Next we'll see how long it'll be before he rolls over. According to his ped. he can do it at anytime!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your boy is meeting his milestones very quickly! That's great! We're still waiting for Leah's first real smile. She smiles in her sleep and when she has gas and has been SO close to smiling at us, but has yet to give us a big grin. Should be any day now though. Your facebook profile pic is SO cute...what a happy boy!

    Don't worry about sending us the pumpkin costume...We will just dress her up and take a few pics, so it's not really a huge deal. Patrick isn't a huge fan of Halloween anyway...he never dressed up as a kid. Thanks for the offer though.

    I've debated getting the Bumbo out for Leah too....She's got pretty good head control, but I don't want to it before she's ready. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try!
