Monday, August 2, 2010

Still happy..

..with our car! Thankfully, I have no buyers remorse a week later. Let's hope it stays that way. I feel like a real grown-up momma driving it around. A feeling that I have to say I LOVE.

In other "mommy" activities, I'm attempting to get us going on a real budget. For the first time ever. I don't know if it'll work, I tend to freak out before we even get started and never do it. This time though, I've bought a little accordion envelope and am hoping to go to a cash only system (minus our bills).

I have cash categories for : Groceries, Me, Caleb, Nathan, the Vet, Gas, Car Repairs, Fun & Misc.

HOPEFULLY this will work. We really need to get on a budget. It would help us out so much. Sadly I've never been very good with money so it feels like an impossible task.

Wish us luck!


  1. I was horrible with budgets until my husband started listening to Dave Ramsey. It took about 2 months but eventually it stuck. Now it's like second nature. You can do it! The first few months are hard but so worth it!

  2. Good luck with the budget. I always find it overwhelming too, and while we always set guidelines for ourselves, we don't stick to a real strict budget. I think we would save more if we did though.

    What kind of car did you get? I saw the pictures, just couldn't tell what the make/model was. I'm glad you're happy with it. It's so nice having a car you know you can count on.

    Can't believe Nathan will be 1 THIS month! Crazy! What are you doing for his bday?

  3. Thanks Amanda!

    Krista - thanks! We got a Mazda5, it's like a mini-minivan. Love it!

    We aren't doing anything huge for his b-day, just a small evening party on the 27th with Caleb's parents and some friends. I am getting his pictures done on the 20th though. I can't believe he's almost one either. Where did the last year go?
